curl --location '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer e3a0fcaca1ac3e7f160e8824c92eda3c' \ --form 'sid="1111"' \ --form 'to="4155551212"' \ --form 'subject="Referral Received"' \ --form 'body="You have a new referral! Please call 888-888-8888 to speak with Jessie from ABC Cleaners. They are looking for a new water system."' \ --form 'sk="2nCuOWPYbdZD6cPo8gNK8NZ8kqP40awg"'
Try it! Send a Message.
Simply replace the "to" with your number!
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('sid' => '1111','to' => '4155551212','subject' => 'Referral Received','body' => 'You have a new referral! Please call 888-888-8888 to speak with Jessie from ABC Cleaners. They are looking for a new water system.', 'sk' => '2nCuOWPYbdZD6cPo8gNK8NZ8kqP40awg'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'Authorization: Bearer e3a0fcaca1ac3e7f160e8824c92eda3c' ), ));
$response = curl_exec($curl);
curl_close($curl); echo $response;
Try it! Send a Message.
Simply replace the "to" with your number!
const myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("Authorization", "Bearer e3a0fcaca1ac3e7f160e8824c92eda3c");
const formdata = new FormData(); formdata.append("sid", "1111"); formdata.append("to", "4155551212"); formdata.append("subject", "Referral Received"); formdata.append("body", "You have a new referral! Please call 888-888-8888 to speak with Jessie from ABC Cleaners. They are looking for a new water system."); formdata.append("sk", "2nCuOWPYbdZD6cPo8gNK8NZ8kqP40awg");
Setup your developer account. All you need is to provide an email and password.
Review Simple API
Our docs walk you through a simple API call to send your first message.
Send Your 1st Message
Try it in PostMan, use our one time quick sender, or integrate right into your website, SaaS or platform.
I have a small virtual doorbell app that was just a side project. However, recent campaign registry fees caused my costs to go higher and higher. eNotify solved this problem for me.
Super easy to use. We have a payments app that sends out receipts. We had it up and running the same day we tested it out.
Daniel Paige
Dir. of Product
We already had push notifications working on our website, but it didn’t reach any iOS users. Using eNotify solves this for us and is a way easier approach.
Marketing Manager
Our NPS score actually went up once we integrated eNotify into our alert system. This is due to them having the help button right on the top. It just looks so much cleaner to customers.
Miguel Dela Cruz
Head of Customer Success
Built for integration
Not sure where to start? Reach out to us, we will gladly help you.